iLMS My Reports - Sources, Joins, Fields

Data Sources

To create an adhoc report, you would need to use one or more data sources. A data source represents a particular object or relations among objects and contains various fields to use in a report.

Data sources are categories into two different categories.

1. Master Data Sources: 
These are the date sources which represents one single object. All such data sources start with the word "Obj_" such as "Obj_Users" represents user object.

2. Relational Data Sources: 
These are the data sources which represent a relationship between or among data sources.
All such data sources start with "_" such as "_CoursesAndUsers" represents the relationship between course and user object so in other words this contains the data of enrolled users for courses.

Here is the list of all the data sources available. Click on the name of a data source to know more about each one.

Master Data Sources

Data Source NameDescription
Obj_AssetReturns all the Instructor Led Assets of an organization.
Obj_AssetCategoryReturns the entire Instructor Led Asset Categories of an organization.
Obj_CourseReturns all the Courses of an organization.
Obj_CourseVersionReturns all Course Versions of an organization.
Obj_CurriculumReturns all the Curriculum of an organization.
Obj_GroupReturns all the Groups of an organization.
Obj_iComposerCourseReturns all the native iComposer Courses of an organization.
Obj_LocationReturns all the Locations of an organization.
Obj_RoomReturns all the Rooms of an organization.
Obj_SCORMCourseReturns all the SCORM Courses of an organization.
Obj_SessionReturns all the Sessions of an organization.
Obj_UserReturns all the (active and inactive) Users of an organization.

Relational Data Sources

Report NameDescription
_CourseAndUserReturns all the User transcripts of an organization.
_CourseExamRecordsReturns all the iComposer Exam Question Analysis of an organization.
_Curriculum_InfoReturns all the Curriculum details of an organization.
_CurriculumAndCourseReturns all the Course and Curriculum of an organization.
_CurriculumAndUserReturns all the Curriculum and Users of an organization.
_CurriculumCourseAndUserReturns all the Curriculum, Course and User transcripts of an organization.
_DuplicateAndBlankEmail_EmployeeIDsReturns all the duplicate or blank Email ID's or Employee ID's of an organization.
_GroupAndCourseReturns all the Courses and Groups of an organization.
_GroupAndUserReturns all the Groups and their user members.
_iComposerChoiceSurveyQuestionAnalysisReturns all the Survey Choice Question Analysis of an organization.
_iComposerCommentSurveyQuestionAnalysisReturns all the Survey Comment Question Analysis of an organization.
_iComposerExamFillintheBlankQuestionAnalysisReturns all the iComposer Exam Fill in the Blank Question Analysis of an organization.
_iComposerExamQuestionAnalysisReturns all the iComposer Exam Question Analysis of an organization.
_iComposerRatingSurveyQuestionAnalysisReturns all the Survey Rating Question Analysis of an organization.
_SessionAndAssetReturns the entire Instructor Led Sessions and Assets of an organization.
_SessionAndInstructorReturns all the Instructors of an organization.
_SessionAndLocationRoomReturns all the Locations and Rooms of an organization.
_UnEnrollCourseAndUserReturns all the unenroll Courses and Users of an organization.
_UserAndExamResponseReturns all the User and Exam Response of an organization.
_UserTranscriptReturns all the User transcript of an organization.

Data Joins

Incorrect Data Joins will result in poor performance due to a query to your iLMS. There are a plethora of variables that can be chosen when creating reports. The below information provides information on creating valid data joins to correctly use custom reports.

For example, if you would like to use User Profile fields in your report (found in Obj_User), but you would also like to add in transcript data (found in _CourseAndUser), then you can join these data sources with the field "User ID" which exists in both sources. This allows the report to accurately correlate records with one another when reporting.

Many Data sources will populate the correct join automatically, but in the event, this info does not populate correctly, the recommended Data joins to use are listed below for each Object.


Recommended Data Joins - Master Data Sources

 Object FieldJoin with Result
 Obj_Asset Category: Category ID Obj_AssetCategoryAsset category's properties name, location name etc.

Location: Location ID

 Obj_LocationLocation's properties location name directions, map url etc.
 Obj_CourseVersionCourse: Course UID Obj_CourseCourse's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
 Obj_CurriculumCurriculum: Course UID Obj_CourseCourse's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
 Obj_iComposerCourse iComCourse: Course UID Obj_CourseCourse's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
 Obj_Room Room: Location ID Obj_LocationLocation's properties location name directions, map url etc.
 Obj_SCORMCourse Description SCOCourse: Course UID Obj_CourseCourse's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
 Obj_Session Session: Parent Course UID Obj_CourseCourse's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Recommended Data Joins - Relational Data Source

 Object FieldJoin with Result
 _CourseAndUser Course: Course UID Obj_CourseOther course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
  Course_Transcript: User ID Obj_User Other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.
  User: User ID Obj_User Other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.
 _CourseExamRecords Course: Course UID Obj_Course Other course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
  Course: Session ID Obj_Session Other session's properties such as start date, end date, maximum attendence etc.
 _Curriculum_Info User: User ID Obj_User Other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.
 _CurriculumAndCourse Course: Course UID Obj_Course Course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
  Curriculum: Curriculum UID Obj_Curriculum Curriculum's properties such as description credits, outline etc.
  User: User ID Obj_User Other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.
 _CurriculumAndUser Curriculum_Transcript: Course UID Obj_Course Course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
  Curriculum_Transcript: Curriculum UID Obj_Curriculum Curriculum's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
 User: User ID Obj_User  Other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.
 _GroupAndCourse Course: Course UID Obj_Course  Course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
  Group: Group ID Obj_Group Group's properties such as name etc.
 _GroupAndUser User: User ID Obj_User Other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.
 Survey: Question ID Obj_Course  Course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
 intUserId Obj_Course  Course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
 Course: Course UID Obj_Course  Course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
  Course: Session ID Obj_Session  Other session's properties such as start date, end date, maximum attendence etc.
  User: User ID Obj_User Other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.
 Course: Course UID Obj_Course  Course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
 Survey: Response User ID     Obj_User Other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.
 _SessionAndAsset SessionAndAsset: Asset ID Obj_Asset Asset's properties such as asset name, category, description, location etc.
 _SessionAndInstructor SessionAndInstructor: Instructor User ID Obj_User Other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.
_SessionAndLocationRoom SessionAndLocRoom: Location ID Obj_Location Location's properties location name directions, map url etc.
  SessionAndLocRoom: Room ID Obj_Room Room's properties such as room name, max seating capacity location etc.
 _UnEnrollCourseAndUser Course: Course UID Obj_Course  Course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
  User: User ID Obj_User Other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.
 _UserAndExamResponse Course: Course UID Obj_Course  Course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
  User: User ID Obj_User Other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.
 _UserTranscript fldUserDefinedCourseId Obj_Course  Course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.
  flduserid Obj_User Other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.

Available Fields - Master Data Sources


Returns all the instructor led assets of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Asset: Allow to AssignString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If asset can be assigned.

No - If assets cannot be assigned.

Asset: Asset DescriptionStringReturns description of assets.No
Asset: Asset IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify an asset.


Asset: Asset NameStringReturns the name of asset.No
Category: Category IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a category of asset.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_AssetCategory" to get asset category's properties name, location name etc.

Category: Category NameStringReturns the category name.No
Location: Location IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a location.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Location" to get location's properties location name directions, map url etc.

Location: Location NameStringReturns the location name.No


Returns all the instructor led asset categories of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Category: Category IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify an asset.Yes
Category: Category NameStringReturns the category name.No
Location: Location IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a location.No
Location: Location NameStringReturns the location name.No


Returns all the courses of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: CodeStringCourse code.No
Course: Course Delivery TypeStringReturns Web Based or Instructor Led or Event delivery type of course.No
Course: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.Yes
Course: CreditsInteger NumberCredits of course.No
Course: Default Enroll TypeStringReturns Mandatory or Optional enrollment type of course.No
Course: DescriptionStringDescription of course.No
Course: Displayed in CatalogString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is displayed in catalog.

No - If course is not displayed in catalog.

Course: Duration(Days)StringDisplays duration (Unlimited or number of days) of course.No
Course: Has ExamString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is having an exam.

No - If course is not having an exam.

Course: Has Pre-TestString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is having a pre-test.

No - If course is not having a pre-test.

Course: HoursInteger NumberHours of course.No
Course: Is Certification EnabledString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If certification enabled course.

No - If not certification enabled course.

Course: Is CurriculumString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If curriculum.

No - If not a curriculum.

Course: Is DeletedString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is deleted.

No - If course is not deleted.

Course: Is EventString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If event type course.

No - If not event type course.

Course: Is iComposerString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is native iComposer course.

No - If course is other than native iComposer course.


Course: Is ILTString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is Instructor Led course.

No - If course is other than Instructor Led course.

Course: Is SCORMString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If SCORM course.

No - If not SCORM course.

Course: LicensesStringReturns the number of course seats. Unlimited in case of unlimited course seats.No
Course: NameStringName of course.No
Course: OutlineStringOutline of course.No
Course: Owner Email IDStringReturns email id of course creator (Author/Instructor/Organization Administrator).No
Course: Owner Employee IDStringReturns employee id of course creator (Author/Instructor/Organization Administrator).No
Course: Owner NameStringReturns name of course creator (Author/Instructor/Organization Administrator).No
Course: Owner User IDInteger NumberReturns ID, of course creator (Author/Instructor/Organization Administrator).No
Course: Pre-Test PercentageFloatReturns percentage of pre-test for course.No
Course: Publish StatusStringReturns course is published or not published. (Publish or Not Publish)No
Course: Published DateDateTimeCourse published date.No
Course: Resource and Asset NotesStringReturns the resources and assets notes of Instructor Led or Event course.No
Course: Room Setup InstructionsStringReturn the room setup instructions of Instructor Led or Event course.No
Course: SCO TypeStringReturns Single or Multiple SCO type of SCORM course.No
Course: SCORM VersionStringSCORM version of course.No
Course: Search KeywordsStringSearch keywords of course.No
Course: Sponsoring OrganizationStringReturns sponsoring organization name of Instructor Led or Event course.No
Course: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No
Course: TypeStringReturns SCORM or Native iComposer.No
Course: Used LicensesInteger NumberReturns the number of course seats consumed.No
Course: Version TypeStringReturns Single or Multiple versions of course.No



Returns all course version of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: Course IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.No
Course: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

CourseVersion: Version NumberStringReturns version number of course.No


Returns all the curriculum of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Curriculum: Course Delivery TypeStringReturns Web Based deliver type of curriculum.No
Curriculum: CreditsInteger NumberCredits of curriculum.No
Curriculum: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a curriculum.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Curriculum: Default Enroll TypeStringReturns Mandatory or Optional enrollment type of curriculum.No
Curriculum: DescriptionStringDescription of curriculum.No
Curriculum: Displayed in CatalogString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If curriculum displayed in catalog.

No - If curriculum not displayed in catalog.

Curriculum: Duration(Days)StringDisplays duration (Unlimited or number of days) of curriculum.No
Curriculum: Has ExamString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If curriculum is having an exam.

No - If curriculum is not having an exam.

Curriculum: Has Pre-TestString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If curriculum is having a pre-test.

No - If curriculum is not having a pre-test.

Curriculum: HoursInteger NumberHours of curriculum.No
Curriculum: Is DeletedString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If curriculum is deleted.

No - If curriculum is not deleted.

Curriculum: NameStringName of curriculum.No
Curriculum: OutlineStringOutline of curriculum.No
Curriculum: Owner Email IDStringReturns email id of curriculum creator (Author/Instructor/Organization Administrator).No
Curriculum: Owner Employee IDStringReturns employee id of curriculum creator (Author/Instructor/Organization Administrator).No
Curriculum: Owner NameStringReturns name of curriculum creator (Author/Instructor/Organization Administrator).No
Curriculum: Owner User IDInteger NumberReturns ID, of curriculum creator (Author/Instructor/Organization Administrator).No
Curriculum: Search KeywordsStringSearch keywords of curriculum.No
Curriculum: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No


Returns all the groups of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Group: Group IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a groups.Yes
Group: NameStringReturns the name of group.No


Returns all the native iComposer courses of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
iComCourse: Certification After User FieldStringReturns the recertification rule for native iComposer course.No
iComCourse: Certification PeriodStringReturns the certification period.No
iComCourse: CodeStringCode of native iComposer course.No
iComCourse: Course Delivery TypeStringReturns Web Based or Instructor Led or Event deliver type of native iComposer course.No
iComCourse: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a native iComposer course.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

iComCourse: CreditsInteger NumberCredits of native iComposer course.No
iComCourse: Default Enroll TypeStringReturns Mandatory or Optional enrollment type of native iComposer course.No
iComCourse: DescriptionStringDescription of native iComposer course.No
iComCourse: Displayed in CatalogString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If native iComposer course is displayed in catalog.

No - If native iComposer course is not displayed in catalog.

iComCourse: Duration(Days)StringDisplays duration (Unlimited or number of days) of native iComposer course.No
iComCourse: Grace PeriodStringGrace period to complete the certification of native iComposer course.No
iComCourse: Has ExamString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If native iComposer course is having an exam.

No - If native iComposer course is not having an exam.

iComCourse: Has Pre-TestString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If native iComposer course is having a pre-test.

No - If native iComposer course is not having a pre-test.

iComCourse: HoursInteger NumberHours of native iComposer course.No
iComCourse: Is Certification EnabledString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If certification enabled native iComposer course.

No - If not certification enabled native iComposer course.

iComCourse: Is DeletedString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If native iComposer course is deleted.

No - If native iComposer course is not deleted.

iComCourse: Is Grace Period EnabledString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If grace period is enabled.

No - If grace period is not enabled.

iComCourse: LicensesStringReturns the number of course seats. Unlimited in case of unlimited course seats.No
iComCourse: NameStringName of native iComposer course.No
iComCourse: OutlineStringOutline of native iComposer course.No
iComCourse: Pre-Test PercentageFloatReturns percentage of pre-test for native iComposer course.No
iComCourse: Publish StatusStringReturns native iComposer course is published or not published. (Publish or Not Publish)No
iComCourse: Published DateDateTimeCourse published date.No
iComCourse: Search KeywordsStringSearch keywords of native iComposer course.No
iComCourse: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No
iComCourse: TypeStringReturns SCORM or Native iComposer.No
iComCourse: Used LicensesInteger NumberReturns the number of course seats consumed.No
iComCourse: Version TypeStringReturns Single or Multiple version of native iComposer course.No


Returns all location of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Location: Address1StringAddress 1 of location.No
Location: Address2StringAddress 2 of location.No
Location: BuildingNameStringBuilding name of location.No
Location: CityStringCity name of location.No
Location: CountryStringCountry name of location.No
Location: DirectionsStringDirections to reach location.No
Location: Location IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a location.Yes
Location: Location NameStringName of location.No
Location: MapURLStringMap URL of location.No
Location: NotesStringNotes about location.No
Location: Other StateStringOther state name of location.No
Location: StateStringState name of location.No
Location: Zip CodeStringZip code of location's area.No


Returns all rooms of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Room: Location IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a location.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Location" to get location's properties location name directions, map url etc.

Room: Max Seating CapacityStringMaximum Seating Capacity of room.No
Room: Room DescriptionStringDescription of room.No
Room: Room IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a room.Yes
Room: Room NameStringName of room.No


Returns all the SCORM courses of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
SCOCourse: CodeStringCode of SCORM course.No
SCOCourse: Course Delivery TypeStringReturns Web Based or Instructor Led or Event deliver type of SCORM course.No
SCOCourse: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a SCORM course.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

SCOCourse: CreditsInteger NumberCredits of SCORM course.No
SCOCourse: Default Enroll TypeStringReturns Mandatory or Optional enrollment type of SCORM course.No
SCOCourse: DescriptionStringDescription of SCORM course.No
SCOCourse: Displayed in CatalogString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If SCORM course is displayed in catalog.

No - If SCORM course is not displayed in catalog.

SCOCourse: Duration(Days)StringDisplays duration (Unlimited or number of days) of SCORM course.No
SCOCourse: Enrollment TypeStringReturns the course enrollment type. (Closed, Open or Open with Ecommerce)No
SCOCourse: HoursInteger NumberHours of SCORM course.No
SCOCourse: Is DeletedString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If SCORM course is deleted.

No - If SCORM course is not deleted.

SCOCourse: LicensesStringReturns the number of SCORM course seats. Unlimited in case of unlimited course seats.No
SCOCourse: NameStringName of SCORM course.No
SCOCourse: OutlineStringOutline of SCORM course.No
SCOCourse: Publish StatusStringReturns SCORM course is published or not published. (Publish or Not Publish)No
SCOCourse: Published DateDateTimeCourse published date.No
SCOCourse: SCO TypeStringReturns Single or Multiple SCO type of SCORM course.No
SCOCourse: SCORM VersionStringSCORM version of SCORM course.No
SCOCourse: Search KeywordsStringSearch keywords of SCORM course.No
SCOCourse: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No
SCOCourse: TypeStringReturns SCORM or Native iComposer.No
SCOCourse: Used LicensesInteger NumberReturns the number of SCORM course seats consumed.No
SCOCourse: Version TypeStringReturns Single or Multiple version of SCORM course.No


Returns all the sessions of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: NameStringReturns the name of Instructor Led course or Event name.No
Session: Asset(s)StringReturns the assets associated with session.No
Session: Course CodeStringInstructor Led course or Event code.No
Session: CreditsInteger NumberCredits of course.No
Session: Days before Automatically Cancel SessionInteger NumberReturns number of days before system can cancel the session if minimum seats are not filled.No
Session: Days before Close EnrollmentInteger NumberReturns the number of days before session enrollment can be closed.No
Session: Days before User Cancel EnrollmentInteger NumberReturns the number of days before user can cancel the session.No
Session: Default Enroll TypeStringReturns Mandatory or Optional enrollment type of Instructor Led course or Event.No
Session: DescriptionStringDescription of Instructor Led course or Event.No
Session: Displayed in CatalogString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If Instructor Led course or Event is displayed in catalog.

No - If Instructor Led course or Event is not displayed in catalog.

Session: Duration(Days)StringDisplays duration (Unlimited or number of days) of Instructor Led course or Event.No
Session: End DateDateTimeReturns the end date of session.Yes
Session: Enrolled User CountInteger NumberReturns total users enrolled in session.No
Session: EnrollmentStringReturns current enrollment of session.No
Session: Enrollment TypeStringReturns enrollment type (Closed, Open or Open With Ecommerece) of session.No
Session: Has ExamString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If Instructor Led course or Event is having an exam.

No - If Instructor Led course or Event is not having an exam.

Session: HoursInteger NumberHours of course.No
Session: Instructor(s) NameStringReturns the instructor(s) name of session.No
Session: Is Close Enrollment Policy EnableString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If automatic session close before N days enabled for session.

No - If automatic session close before N days disabled for session.

Session: Is DeletedString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is deleted.

No - If course is not deleted.

Session: Is User Cancelation EnableString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If user can cancel the session.

No - If user cannot cancel the session.

Session: Is Wait List EnableString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If wait is enabled for session.

No - If wait is not enabled for session.

Session: Location NameStringReturns the location name of session.No
Session: Lock Course/EventString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course content is locked.

No - If course content are not locked.

Session: Maximum AttendanceStringReturns the maximum attendance for session.No
Session: Minimum AttendanceInteger NumberReturns the minimum attendance for session.No
Session: NotesStringReturns the notes of session.No
Session: OutlineStringOutline of Instructor Led course Or Event.No
Session: Parent Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a Instructor Led course or Event.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Session: Refund AmountDecimalReturns the refund amount of session.No
Session: Room NameStringReturns the room name of session.No
Session: Search KeywordsStringSearch keywords of course.No
Session: Session IDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a session.Yes
Session: Session TypeStringReturns the type of session. (Instructor Led or Event)No
Session: Start DateDateTimeReturns start date of session.No
Session: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No
Session: TypeStringReturns Native iComposer.No



Returns all the (active and inactive) users of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
User: Address1StringAddress 1 of user.No
User: Address2StringAddress 2 of user.No
User: Author PrivilegeString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If user is having author privilege.

No - If user doesn't have author privilege.

User: CityStringCity name of user.No
User: Company/EmployerStringCompany/Employer name of user.No
User: CountryStringCountry name of user.No
User: Custom Field 1StringCustom field 1 value of user.No
User: Custom Field 2StringCustom field 2 value of user.No
User: Custom Field 3StringCustom field 3 value of user.No
User: Custom Field 4StringCustom field 4 value of user.No
User: DepartmentStringDepartment name of user.No
User: DivisionStringDivision name of user.No
User: EmailStringEmail ID of user.No
User: Employee IDStringEmployee ID of user.No
User: FaxStringFax number of user.No
User: First NameStringFirst name of user.No
User: Hire DateDateTimeHire date of user.No
User: Instructor PrivilegeString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If user is having instructor privilege.

No - If user doesn't have instructor privilege.

User: Job TitleStringJob title of user.No
User: Last NameStringLast name of user.No
User: Middle NameStringMiddle name of user.No
User: Organization NameStringName of the organization where user's account exists.No
User: Other StateStringOther state name of user.No
User: Password Admin PrivilegeString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If user is having password admin privilege.

No - If user doesn't have password admin privilege.

User: PhoneStringPhone number of user.No
User: Realm Administrator PrivilegeString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If user is having realm admin privilege.

No - If user doesn't have realm admin privilege.

User: RegionStringRegion name of user.No
User: Registration DateDateTimeThe date on which user's account is created in the system.No
User: Special Booking InstructionsStringAny specific booking instructions when user is instructor.No
User: StateStringState name of user.No
User: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No
User: Supervisor EmailStringEmail ID of user's supervisor.No
User: Supervisor NameStringName of user's supervisor.No
User: TimeZoneStringTime zone of user's area.No
User: User IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.Yes
User: Zip CodeStringZip code of user's area.No

Available Fields - Relational Data Sources


Returns all the user transcript of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: Is CurriculumString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If curriculum.

No - If not a curriculum.

Course: NameStringName of course.No
Course_Transcript: Certificate NumberStringCourse completion certificate number.No
Course_Transcript: Certification Expiration DateDateTimeReturns the course certification expiration date if course is certification enabled course.No
Course_Transcript: Certification StatusStringReturns the course certification status if course is certification enabled course.No
Course_Transcript: Completion DateDateTimeReturns course completion date.No
Course_Transcript: Course IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.No
Course: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get other course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Course_Transcript: Due DateDateTimeDue date of course.No
Course_Transcript: Earned CreditsDecimalCredits earned by completing course.No
Course_Transcript: Earned HoursInteger NumberHours earned by completing course.No
Course_Transcript: Enroll DateDateTimeReturns enrollment date of course.No
Course_Transcript: Enroll TypeStringReturns Mandatory or Optional enrollment type of course.No
Course_Transcript: Enrollment PathStringReturns how the course is enrolled. (Via Curriculum, Group, Or Direct)No
Course_Transcript: Exam RetriesInteger NumberReturns number of exam attempted by user.No
Course_Transcript: License Expiration DateDateTimeReturns the course license expiration date.No
Course_Transcript: Past DueString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course due date is past date.

No - If course due date is future date.

Course_Transcript: PercentageDecimalExam Percentage user got.No
Course_Transcript: Pre-Test PercentageStringPre-Test Percentage user got.No
Course_Transcript: Session IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a session.No
Course_Transcript: Start DateDateTimeCourse start date.No
Course_Transcript: StatusStringReturns course status (Not Started, Inprogress, Pass, Failed, Waived).No
Course_Transcript: Time SpentStringTotal time spent to complete the course.No
Course_Transcript: User IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_User" to get other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.

Course_Transcript: Version NumberDecimalVersion of course.No
User: EmailStringEmail ID of user.No
User: Employee IDStringEmployee ID of user.No
User: First NameStringFirst name of user.No
User: Hire DateDateTimeHire date of user.No
User: Last NameStringLast name of user.No
User: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No
User: User IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_User" to get other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.


Returns all the iComposer Exam Question Analysis of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: Course IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a iComposer course.No
Course: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a iComposer course.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get other course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Course: NameStringName of course.No
Course: Session IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a session.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Session" to get other session's properties such as start date, end date, maximum attendence etc.

Exam: CorrectInteger NumberReturns the number of users answer correctly.No
Exam: Gauge of % CorrectDecimalReturns the gauge of % of users answer correctly.No
Exam: Gauge of % InCorrectDecimalReturns the gauge of % of users answer incorrectly.No
Exam: IncorrectInteger NumberReturns the number of users answer incorrectly.No
Exam: Percentage CorrectStringReturns percentile of number of users answer correctly.No
Exam: Percentage InCorrectStringReturns percentile of number of users answer incorrectly.No
Exam: Question IDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a iComposer course exam question.No
Exam: QuestionTextStringReturns the exam question.No
Exam: TotalInteger NumberReturns number of users the exam is attempted.No



Returns all the Curriculum details of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: CodeStringCourse code.No
Course: CreditsInteger NumberCredits of course.No
Course: Default Enroll TypeStringReturns Mandatory or Optional enrollment type of course.No
Course: Delivery TypeStringReturns Web Based or Instructor Led or Event deliver type of course.No
Course: HoursInteger NumberHours of course.No
Course: Is CurriculumString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If curriculum.

No - If not a curriculum.

Course: NameStringName of course.No
Course: TypeStringReturns SCORM or Native iComposer.No
Course_Transcript: Completion DateDateTimeReturns curriculum/course completion date.No
Course_Transcript: Due DateDateTimeDue date of curriculum/course.No
Course_Transcript: Earned CertificateStringEarned certificate of curriculum/course.No
Course_Transcript: Enroll DateDateTimeReturns enrollment date of curriculum/course.No
Course_Transcript: Enroll TypeStringReturns Mandatory or Optional enrollment type of curriculum/course.No
Course_Transcript: Exam RetriesInteger NumberReturns number of exam attempted by user.No
Course_Transcript: Past DueString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course due date is past date.

No - If course due date is future date.

Course_Transcript: PercentageDecimalExam Percentage user got.No
Course_Transcript: Pre-Test PercentageDecimalReturns percentage of pre-test for course..No
Course_Transcript: Start DateDateTimeCurriculum/course start date.No
Course_Transcript: StatusStringReturns curriculum/course status (Not Started, Inprogress, Pass, Failed, Waived).No
Curricula: NameStringName of Curricula.No
Curricula: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No
Curriculum: IsParentString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is parent course.

No - If course is not parent course.

User: Address1StringAddress 1 of user.No
User: Address2StringAddress 2 of user.No
User: Author PrivilegeString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If user is having author privilege.

No - If user doesn't have author privilege.

User: CityStringCity name of user.No
User: CountryStringCountry name of user.No
User: DepartmentStringDepartment name of user.No
User: DivisionStringDivision name of user.No
User: EmailStringEmail ID of user.No
User: Employee IDStringEmployee ID of user.No
User: FaxStringFax number of user.No
User: First NameStringFirst name of user.No
User: Job TitleStringJob title of user.No
User: Last NameStringLast name of user.No
User: Middle NameStringMiddle name of user.No
User: Other StateStringOther state name of user.No
User: PhoneStringPhone number of user.No
User: Realm Administrator PrivilegeString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If user is having realm admin privilege.

No - If user doesn't have realm admin privilege.

User: RegionStringRegion name of user.No
User: StateStringState name of user.No
User: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No
User: User IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_User" to get other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.

User: Zip CodeStringZip code of user's area.No



Returns all the course and curriculum of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Course: CreditsInteger NumberCredits of course.No
Course: Default Enroll TypeStringReturns Mandatory or Optional enrollment type of course.No
Course: HoursInteger NumberHours of course.No
Course: Is CurriculumString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If curriculum.

No - If not a curriculum.

Course: NameStringName of course.No
Curriculum: Curriculum UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a curriculum.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Curriculum" to get curriculum's properties such as description credits, outline etc.

Curriculum: NameStringName of curriculum.No


Returns all the curriculum and users of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Curriculum: Curriculum UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a curriculum.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Curriculum" to get curriculum's properties such as description, course credits, course outline etc.

Curriculum: NameStringName of curriculum.No
User: EmailStringEmail ID of user.No
User: Employee IDStringEmployee ID of user.No
User: First NameStringFirst name of user.No
User: Last NameStringLast name of user.No
User: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No
User: User IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_User" to get other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.



Returns all the Curriculum, Course, User Transcript of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: NameStringName of course.No
Curriculum_Transcipt: Enrollment PathStringReturns how the curriculum/course is enrolled. (Via Curriculum, Group, Or Direct)No
Curriculum_Transcript: Certificate NumberStringCourse completion certificate number.No
Curriculum_Transcript: Completion DateDateTimeReturns curriculum/course completion date.No
Curriculum_Transcript: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Curriculum_Transcript: Curriculum NameStringName of curriculum.No
Curriculum_Transcript: Curriculum UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a curriculum.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Curriculum" to get curriculum's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Curriculum_Transcript: Due DateDateTimeDue date of curriculum/course.No
Curriculum_Transcript: Earned CertificateStringEarned certificate of curriculum/course.No
Curriculum_Transcript: Earned CreditsDecimalCredits earned by completing curriculum/course.No
Curriculum_Transcript: Earned HoursInteger NumberHours earned by completing curriculum/course.No
Curriculum_Transcript: Enroll DateDateTimeReturns enrollment date of curriculum/course.No
Curriculum_Transcript: Enroll TypeStringReturns Mandatory or Optional enrollment type of curriculum/course.No
Curriculum_Transcript: Exam RetriesInteger NumberReturns number of exam attempted by user.No
Curriculum_Transcript: Is ParentString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is parent course.

No - If course is not parent course.

Curriculum_Transcript: License Expiration DateDateTimeReturns the curriculum/course license expiration date.No
Curriculum_Transcript: Past DueString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course due date is past date.

No - If course due date is future date.

Curriculum_Transcript: PercentageDecimalExam Percentage user got.No
Curriculum_Transcript: Start DateDateTimeCurriculum/course start date.No
Curriculum_Transcript: StatusStringReturns curriculum/course status (Not Started, Inprogress, Pass, Failed, Waived).No
Curriculum_Transcript: User IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_User" to get other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.

User: EmailStringEmail ID of user.No
User: Employee IDStringEmployee ID of user.No
User: First NameStringFirst name of user.No
User: Hire DateDateTimeHire date of user.No
User: Last NameStringLast name of user.No
User: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No


Returns all duplicate or blank Email ID or Employee ID of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Filter: FieldStringReturns the field Email ID or Employee ID.No
User: EmailStringEmail ID of user.No
User: Employee IDStringEmployee ID of user.No
User: User IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_User" to get other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.



Returns all the course and group of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Course: NameStringName of course.No
Group: Group IDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a group.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Group" to get group's properties such as name etc.

Group: NameStringName of group.No


Returns all the groups and their user members. You can "group by" the result by "Group: Name" field to get the users list group wise.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Group: Group IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a group.No
Group: NameStringName of group.No
User: EmailStringEmail ID of user.No
User: Employee IDStringEmployee ID of user.No
User: First NameStringFirst name of user.No
User: Last NameStringLast name of user.No
User: User IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_User" to get other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.


Returns all the Survey Choice Question Analysis of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: NameStringName of course.No
Survey: Gauge of Percent SelectedDecimalReturns the gauge of % of users selection.No
Survey: Option TextStringReturns the option text.No
Survey: Percentage SelectedStringReturns percentile of number of users selected specific option.No
Survey: Question IDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a question.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get other course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Survey: Question TextStringReturns the question text.No
Survey: Question TypeStringReturns the question type.No
Survey: Times SelectedInteger NumberReturns number of times users selected the option.No


Returns all the Survey Comment Question Analysis of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: NameStringName of course.No
intUserIdInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get other course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Question: Comment AnswerStringReturns the comment answer.No
Survey: QuestionStringReturns the question text.No
Survey: Question IDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a question.No
User: EmailStringEmail ID of user.No
User: Employee IDStringEmployee ID of user.No
User: First nameStringFirst name of user.No
User: Last nameStringLast name of user.No


Returns all the iComposer Exam Fill in the Blank Question Analysis of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: Course IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a iComposer course.No
Course: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a iComposer course.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get other course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Course: NameStringName of course.No
Course: Session IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a session.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Session" to get other session's properties such as start date, end date, maximum attendence etc.

Exam: QuestionStringReturns the fill in the blanks question.No
Exam: Question IDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a iComposer course exam question.No
Exam: User AttemptInteger NumberReturns number of users the question is attempted.No
Question: Correct AnswerStringReturns the correct answer of question.No
Question: IscorrectString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If question is correct.

No - If question is incorrect.

Question: Percentage CorrectStringReturns percentage of users answer the question correctly.No
Question: Percentage IncorrectStringReturns percentage of users answer the question incorrectly.No
Question: Total ResponseStringReturns number of users responded to question.No
Question: User AnswerStringReturns the user answer of question.No
User: EmailStringEmail ID of user.No
User: Employee IDStringEmployee ID of user.No
User: First NameStringFirst name of user.No
User: Last NameStringLast name of user.No
User: User IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_User" to get other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.


Returns all the iComposer Exam Question Analysis of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: Course IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.No
Course: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get other course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Course: NameStringName of course.No
Exam: QuestionStringReturns the question text.No
Exam: Question IDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a exam question.No
Exam: Question ResultString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If correct/true.

No - If incorrect/false.

Exam: Question TypeStringReturns the question type.No
Gauge of ResponseStringReturns gauge of response.No
Percent SelectedStringReturns percentage of users selects the optionNo
Quesiton: OptionsStringReturns options.No
Quesiton: Total AttemptsInteger NumberReturns number of users attempted.No
Quesiton: Total ResponseInteger NumberReturns number of users responded.No


Returns all the Survey Rating Question Analysis of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: NameStringName of course.No
Question: RatingStringRating of question.No
Question: RowChoiceStringReturns the chosen rating text.No
Survey: Option IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a option.No
Survey: QuestionStringReturns the question text.No
Survey: Question IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a question.No
Survey: Rating IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a rating.No
Survey: Rating WeightInteger NumberWeight given to rating.No
Survey: Response IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a response.No
Survey: Response User IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_User" to get other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.

Survey: User RatingInteger NumberReturns the users rating.No
Survey: User Rating TextStringReturns the user rating text.No
User: EmailStringEmail ID of user.No
User: Employee IDStringEmployee ID of user.No
User: First NameStringFirst name of user.No
User: Last NameStringLast name of user.No


Returns all the instructor led sessions and assets of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Asset: Asset NameStringReturns the name of asset.No
SessionAndAsset: Asset IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a asset.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Asset" to get asset's properties such as asset name, category, description, location etc.

SessionAndAsset: Session IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a session.No


Returns all the instructors of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field Name

Data Type


Can be used to JOIN with other data source?

Instructor: Email


Email ID of instructor.


Instructor: Employee ID


Employee ID of instructor.


Instructor: First Name


First Name of instructor.


Instructor: Last Name


Last Name of instructor.


SessionAndInstructor: Instructor User ID

Integer Number

ID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_User" to get other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.

SessionAndInstructor: Session ID

Integer Number

Returns the session id.



Returns all the location, rooms of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field Name

Data Type


Can be used to JOIN with other data source?

Location: Location Name


Returns the name of location.


Room: Room Name


Returns the name of room.


SessionAndLocRoom: Location ID

Integer Number

ID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a location.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Location" to get location's properties such as address, city, direction, map URL etc.

SessionAndLocRoom: Room ID

Integer Number

ID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a room.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Room" to get room's properties such as room name, max seating capacity location etc.

SessionAndLocRoom: Session ID

Integer Number

ID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a sessions.



Returns all the un-enroll course user of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: CodeStringCourse code.No
Course: Course Delivery TypeStringReturns Web Based or Instructor Led or Event delivery type of course.No
Course: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Course: CreditsInteger NumberCredits of course.No
Course: Default Enroll TypeStringReturns Mandatory or Optional enrollment type of course.No
Course: DescriptionStringDescription of course.No
Course: Displayed in CatalogString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is displayed in catalog.

No - If course is not displayed in catalog.

Course: Duration(Days)StringDisplays duration (Unlimited or number of days) of course.No
Course: Has ExamString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is having an exam.

No - If course is not having an exam.

Course: Has Pre-TestString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is having an pre-test.

No - If course is not having an pre-test.

Course: HoursInteger NumberHours of course.No
Course: Is Certification EnabledString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If certification enabled course.

No - If not certification enabled course.

Course: Is CurriculumString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If curriculum.

No - If not a curriculum.

Course: Is DeletedString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is deleted.

No - If course is not deleted.

Course: Is EventString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If event type course.

No - If not event type course.

Course: Is iComposerString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is native iComposer course.

No - If course is other than native iComposer course.


Course: Is ILTString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If course is instructor led course.

No - If course is other than instructor led course.

Course: Is SCORMString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If SCORM course.

No - If not SCORM course.

Course: LicensesStringReturns the number of course seats. Unlimited in case of unlimited course seats.No
Course: NameStringName of course.No
Course: OutlineStringOutline of course.No
Course: Owner Email IDStringReturns email id of course creator (Author/Instructor/Organization Administrator).No
Course: Owner Employee IDStringReturns employee id of course creator (Author/Instructor/Organization Administrator).No
Course: Owner NameStringReturns name of course creator (Author/Instructor/Organization Administrator).No
Course: Owner User IDInteger NumberReturns ID, of course creator (Author/Instructor/Organization Administrator).No
Course: Pre-Test PercentageFloatReturns percentage of pre-test for course.No
Course: Publish StatusStringReturns course is published or not published. (Publish or Not Publish)No
Course: Published DateDateTimeCourse published date.No
Course: SCO TypeStringReturns Single or Multiple SCO type of SCORM course.No
Course: SCORM VersionStringSCORM version of course.No
Course: Search KeywordsStringSearch keywords of course.No
Course: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No
Course: TypeStringReturns SCORM or Native iComposer.No
Course: Used LicensesInteger NumberReturns the number of course seats consumed.No
Course: Version TypeStringReturns Single or Multiple version of course.No
User: Address1StringAddress 1 of user.No
User: Address2StringAddress 2 of user.No
User: Author PrivilegeString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If user is having author privilege.

No - If user doesn't have author privilege.

User: CityStringCity name of user.No
User: Company/EmployerStringCompany/Employer name of user.No
User: CountryStringCountry name of user.No
User: DepartmentStringDepartment name of user.No
User: DivisionStringDivision name of user.No
User: EmailStringEmail ID of user.No
User: Employee IDStringEmployee ID of user.No
User: FaxStringFax number of user.No
User: First NameStringFirst name of user.No
User: Hire DateDateTimeHire date of user.No
User: Instructor PrivilegeString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If user is having instructor privilege.

No - If user doesn't have instructor privilege.

User: Job TitleStringJob title of user.No
User: Last NameStringLast name of user.No
User: Middle NameStringMiddle name of user.No
User: Organization NameStringName of the organization where user's account exists.No
User: Other StateStringOther sate name of user.No
User: Password Admin PrivilegeString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If user is having password admin privilege.

No - If user doesn't have password admin privilege.

User: PhoneStringPhone number of user.No
User: Realm Administrator PrivilegeString

Returns Yes or No.

Yes - If user is having realm admin privilege.

No - If user doesn't have realm admin privilege.

User: RegionStringRegion name of user.No
User: Registration DateDateTimeThe date on which user's account is created in the system.No
User: Special Booking InstructionsStringAny specific booking instructions when user is instructor.No
User: StateStringState name of user.No
User: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No
User: TimeZoneStringTime zone of user's area.No
User: User IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_User" to get other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.

User: Zip CodeStringZip code of user's area.No


Returns all the User and Exam Response of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: Course IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.No
Course: Course UIDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get other course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

Course: NameStringName of course.No
Course: Session IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a session.No
Course_Transcript: Default PercentageInteger NumberReturns the default percentage.No
Course_Transcript: PercentageStringReturns the percentile.No
Course_Transcript: StatusStringReturns active/inactive course status.No
Exam: Correct AnswerStringCorrect answer of question.No
Exam: QuestionStringReturns the question text.No
Exam: Question IDStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a exam question.No
Exam: Question ResultStringReturns the correct/incorrect result.No
Exam: Question TypeStringReturns the question type.No
Exam: User AnswerStringReturns user's answer.No
Exam: User AttemptInteger NumberReturns number of attempt made by user.No
User: EmailStringEmail ID of user.No
User: Employee IDInteger NumberEmployee ID of user.No
User: StatusInteger NumberReturns Active or Inactive.No
User: User IDInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_User" to get other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.


Returns all the user transcript of an organization.

Available Fields:

Field NameData TypeDescriptionCan be used to JOIN with other data source?
Course: NameStringName of course.No
Course_Transcript: Certification StatusStringReturns the course certification status if course is certification enabled course.No
Course_Transcript: Completion DateDateTimeReturns course completion date.No
Course_Transcript: Due DateDateTimeDue date of course.No
Course_Transcript: Enroll DateDateTimeReturns enrollment date of course.No
Course_Transcript: Expiration DateDateTimeReturns expiration date date of course.No
Course_Transcript: Start DateDateTimeCourse start date.No
Course_Transcript: StatusStringReturns course status (Not Started, Inprogress, Pass, Failed, Waived).No
fldUserDefinedCourseIdStringID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a course.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_Course" to get other course's properties such as enrollment type, course credits, course outline etc.

flduseridInteger NumberID, assigned by system to uniquely identify a user.


Hint: Join it with "Obj_User" to get other user's properties such as region, division, department, job title etc.

User: EmailStringEmail ID of user.No
User: Employee IDStringEmployee ID of user.No
User: First NameStringFirst name of user.No
User: Last NameStringLast name of user.No
User: StatusStringReturns Active or Inactive.No